
"Barocco Pugliese" map


Martina Franca - Basilica of San Martino

Martina Franca (Taranto), Basilica of San Martino, the facade
The Basilica of San Martino represents the apex of the Baroque architecture of  Martina Franca. The building was erected on behest of the archpriest Isidoro Chirulli, who in 1747 ordered the demolition of the previous Romanic three naves church in order to erect a new Rococo style one… 

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Alberobello - The Basilica of "Santissimi Medici" Cosma and Damiano

Alberobello (Ba), The Basilica of SS. Medici, the facade
The Basilica is a synthesis of the various remaking and enlargements experienced by the church. Nowadays it stands on a site which during the 17th century was occupied by a rural chapel named after the Madonna delle Grazie, and later on dedicated to…


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Mesagne - The Basilica – Sanctuary of the Vergine SS. del Monte Carmelo di Mesagne

Mesagne (Br), Basilica – Sanctuary of the Vergine SS. del Monte Carmelo, facade
The Puglia region represents, after Sicily, one of the primitive groups of Carmelitani in Italy. However, it is only after the Tridentine Council (1545 – 1563), between the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, that we see an increase of the number of the conventi carmelitani within the Puglia region...

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Martina Franca - L'interno della basilica di san Martino - Martina Franca

Martina Franca (Ta), basilica san Martino, interno
L’interno della basilica si apre fastosa e ricca di decori. Le linee ondulate barocche si sposano perfettamente con le linee architettoniche dell’immensa struttura. Ogni angolo suggerisce un tripudio di armonia e di colore che fra statue, macchine di altare, vetrate e dipinti creano una scenografia settecentesca di raffinata bellezza...

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