
"Barocco Pugliese" map


Noci - Abbey of the Madonna della Scala

Noci (Ba), Church and Abbey of the Madonna della Scala

The territory of Noci is well positioned within the Murgia region of the Trulli. It presents a hilly area where there is the Benedictine abbey of the Madonna della Scala, consisting of an ancient small church… 

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Putignano - Church and Convent of "Carmelitane scalze"

Putignano (Ba), church of Carmelitane scalze, inside

Putignano has hosted a great variety of religious orders, considering also the vocations of the local young women, for whom a nunnery was erected in 1568, which hosted the monache Carmelitane for a long time …

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Putignano - Il convento di Santa Chiara - Putignano

Putignano(Ba), il convento di S. Chiara
In  uno degli angoli più caratteristici del centro storico di Putignano è ubicato  un massiccio edificio in pietra che comprende oltre all’ex convento, una chiesa che, per quanto piccola, è tanto preziosa, intitolata anticamente a S. Antonio Abate e dal 1917 fino ad oggi, dedicata a S. Chiara...

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Mesagne - The former convent of the Celestines - Mesagne

Mesagne (Br), convent of the Celestines, facade
The convent of the Celestines stands next to the church of santa Maria in Bethlehem; it is a monumental architectonic work, a sign of the economic power of this order, which led to a substantial alteration of the urban spaces located outside of the defensive perimeter, as the new monastery marked a clear demarcation line between the old hamlet and the new one…

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